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You have a vision.
It might even be painted on the wall in the break room.

But why isn't it working?

Many companies think they have a Sales or Marketing problem...

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Common Signs:


growth targets

Bar Chart_edited.jpg



Image by Louis Hansel



Chalkboard with Different Languages



Image by Elisa Ventur

...when it's really

a Strategy problem,

a Product problem, or

a disconnect between strategy and execution.

Steve Engdahl Can Fix This.

Grow SaaS and software-enabled service revenue through:

  • Strategic vision and execution plans CEOs, boards, investors, team members and customers all understand and believe in

  • Best-practice product, marketing and delivery processes

  • Qualified, motivated teams focused on the right priorities 

  • A market-driven roadmap producing products that sell

The earlier you fix these, the greater your return.


Top 4 reasons plans get disconnected from strategy:

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Too many


Colors in English

Teams attribute different

meanings to the same vision and strategy.

Strategy is

too theoretical

Teams don't see how their

day to day work relates to the strategic plan.

Product roadmaps

aren't aligned 


Product priorities don't align

with the strategy and your market.

Process, tools

and skills needs


Teams lack what's necessary

to effectively execute the strategy.

Running Track

Ready to talk? Let's get started!

Steve's ready to answer a quick question or for
an introductory conversation to explore fit.

Thanks for your inquiry!

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