B2B SaaS COO٠ CPO٠ Strategy ٠ Product ٠ Marketing ٠ Sales
Turn Vision into Coordinated Action
Writing and Video
Steve's commentary appears in a variety of industry publications.
Public Speaking
Steve speaks to audiences of 50 - 1000 at industry events globally.
Supply Chain Under Stress: How changing realities are driving innovation in seafood transactions
Seafood Expo Asia Conference Session
September, 2022
Case Study: Using new technologies to improve seafood buying and selling, increase revenue and gain efficiency
Seafood Expo North America Conference Session
Boston, MA
March, 2022
Keynote speaker and track chair
Access Corporation Summit Leadership Kick-offs
New Orleans, LA and Savannah, GA
January 2019 and January 2020
Human Resources data privacy and access to information in geographically distributed retail companies
HR Retail Conference Session (Panelist)
Austin, TX
April, 2019
The future of e-documents for the mortgage industry
Mortgage Builder Conference Session
New Orleans, LA
October, 2016
Practical approaches to data management
FIMA Europe Conference Keynote, Moderator and Track Chair
London, United Kingdom
November, 2011
Keynote speaker and curriculum coordinator
Charles River Client Conferences
Boston | Boca Raton | Toronto, Canada | London, UK | Melbourne, Australia
2005 - 2010